ChurchWorks Commission to focus on social isolation and mental health

ChurchWorks Commission to focus on social isolation and mental health

October 21, 2021

Commissioners from more than 10 major national denominations met in person on Wednesday 13th October at our first ChurchWorks Commission meeting to discuss key priorities for the Church’s role in national Covid recovery. 

We heard from church groups and Christian organisations hailing from across the country and from diverse backgrounds about their experience of the pandemic, and their hopes for Covid recovery going forward. The Prime Minister’s Faith and Civil society advisor joined us and emphasised the government’s enthusiasm to work with faith groups on Covid recovery going forwards.

Social isolation, tackling loneliness and improving mental health were key issues that Commissioners agreed should be looked at going forwards. The group highlighted that people of colour and young people have been disproportionately affected by the effects of the pandemic and should be at the forefront of our minds as we plan next steps.

The ChurchWorks Commission is the natural next step for YourNeighbour as our nation looks to rebuild after the immediate effects of lockdowns on individuals, families and communities. We aim to convene conversations between national church leaders and the government to showcase the Church’s key role in Covid recovery and find opportunities to collaborate.

The plan going forwards is to convene Working Groups before Christmas on the priorities that surfaced at this first meeting to unite leaders and experts in the Church around some concrete proposals. We’ll then bring these groups together with relevant government ministers at our Summit in January.

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